You can start a mobile car detailing business with little investment or almost no cash outs. The risk is minimal and you get to choose what time you work your business. It’s a great business to do part time especially if you are in college or you have a job and want to supplement your income.
If these features attract you then this mobile detailing business guide will instruct you how you can get started right away.
Here are a few tips to get your business running.
Put together a mobile car detailing business plan
First, know how much time it will to work on a single car. Time yourself and log down the time spent in detailing a car. This way you have an estimated working time per car and you can budget your time accordingly. Second, determine how much your rate will be. Survey other mobile car detailing competitors in your area. Know the rates they ask for and set your fees in the mid range level. Third, after knowing how much time is needed to work on a car and after determining your rate per car, compute how many cars you need to service in a day to be profitable. Quickly calculate how much overhead you spend per car and subtract these numbers to your total income for day. It will help you a lot if you keep a journal of your daily expenditures and the income that comes in as well. This way you keep track of your cash flow. Finally, set a goal of how many cars you will service on a daily basis to keep ahead of the game.
Think of a catchy detailing business name
Pick out a name that is inline to what you offer people. Use a business name that’s easy to remember and easy to associate with. Visit your local city hall for a business name. Now your potential car detailing clients will notice you.
Get a car detailing business license
Visit your city clerk’s office and apply for the licenses needed to operate legally.
Things you will need to operate your business
First, invest on a spacious van where you can store a lot of cleaning supplies and other materials you could use to do a quick but efficient job. Second, search the web for a supplier that offers cheap but effective cleaning supplies. Buying supplies in bulk is cheaper in the long run. Find sources that will keep your overhead low. Finally, invest on a reliable portable car wash shower.
Areas where to start your mobile car detailing business
Begin by contacting offices first. Develop a promo deal or an office program that’s hard to turn down. Something like for every 3 job services you get, they get 1 free job service. Capturing office clients is a sure way to make money right away. It will save you fuel and traveling time too. Next, try developing home clients. Try working by neighborhood so as you don’t waste time traveling around like vulture. Try developing some loyal customers. Servicing 10-15 clients a week regularly on top of having office clients can already make you a decent living. If you still have time, you could wait on potential clients on parking lots. This way you could do their cars while they are doing their groceries or shopping.